Monday, 24 November 2014

Textual Analysis


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  2. 1. Thesis
    Tarantino dislocates narrative from time and place - thereby he is able to exploit historical events to engage the subculture he is appealing to - ie Django chooses 'pimp' outfit when he gets to choose his own clothes this is a direct reference to 70's blaxploitation. In IG Hitler is assassinated in a cinema that has neon signs.

    2. Violence - stylised, and it is gratuitous, but also it is justified - is he trying to question our sanctioning of violence? Additional secondary sources to re-enforce.
    Insight & wider knowledge and understanding

    TITLES - intrusive black spoliation and Kung fu
    Look at beastie boys sabotage music video
    Crash zoom - Hong Kong cinema - IG shoot out in bar

    Auteur - 2nd yr blog Bazin French filmmaker
    Derived from 'pulp fiction' not the film - junk pop culture

    String thesis, thorough Micro detail
    Comparative selections

    To improve,
    Include above points, reference articles to his gratuitous yet social commentary in use of violence
    And his style referencing HK & Bx trashy movies

    Working towards an A
